I fell off the sewing wagon. Not regretful. Sewing is a hobby that doesn’t really do much for me, except spend extra money with pattern and fabric purchases. Not very often do I come across a trustworthy pattern and fabric without coughing up extra cash. My sewing skills do make small tailoring jobs, like hemming and mending maintainable without paying a tailor, so that's definitely a plus to this hobby.
And I'm 5 feet tall. I do a lot of hemming on my
. But when I come across a great free pattern, I have to jump at the opportunity.
The Sorbetto pattern is FREE from Colette Patterns and very, very easy to sew. I've been sewing sweet little things for my sweet little baby recently. Stitching together baby dresses is my favorite way to spend a rainy summer afternoon. Once you start sewing little dresses, why on earth would you sit through the cutting and bored-to-tears seams of a full scale, adult pattern?
Well because it’s for you, of course. You need nice, handmade things too, ya know. And after you try the Sorbetto pattern, this
book from Colette is full of other easy and quick patterns for you.

{Please excuse the bathroom selfie. My camera guy was at his day job.}
Sorbetto is a really versatile pattern. There’s room for a pleat and I inverted it here which created a roomy waistline. Who doesn’t enjoy a roomy waistline? But I will warn you. That pleat, although forgiving in theory, makes for a very specific drape. A good medium weight, with a nice drape will do. Otherwise a lighter fabric, sewn this way, will make this top a tent.
Now, onto this book...

Do you ever come across a sewing pattern who talks way too fast? You read the directions twice in your heard, twice out loud and you're still staring at a half-sewn blouse thinking,
wait.. what did you just tell me to do? This
book has all of the answers. All of them. It's like the encyclopedia of sewing. For me, this book has saved raglan sleeves and dart adjustments. It even has a reference section for types of fabric and thread. For anyone who wants to learn, it has projects in the back specifically designed for teaching techniques.
Just by chance, I've been sewing more than I usually do so Elizabeth has offered a spot for me here at Needle & ThREAD. I'm so overjoyed to be here and I can't wait to share more with you! I'll be checking back, and I'd love to know more about your summer sewing projects.