Grace for Your Autumn
/“The parables are like mirrors for man: will he be hard soil or good earth for the word? What use has he made of the talents he has received? Jesus and the presence of the kingdom in this world are secretly at the heart of the parables. One must enter the kingdom, that is, become a disciple of Christ, in order to ‘know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven.’
Now Available Exclusively on Amazon
In Stories of Grace, you will find thirty-one days of Jesus' stories carefully collected for you. Along the way, we've provided meditation essays, journaling prompts, space for your notes and drawings, beautiful calligraphy pages, and prayers we will pray with you.
The community study for Stories of Grace will appear at Take Up & READ from October 1- October 31.
A free children's version of Stories of Grace will be available to download at Take Up & READ very soon.
A free Group Study Guide is available as a companion to the Stories of Grace journal. Gather a group and study together. You can access the group guide here.
The 7x10, beautifully designed, 148-page book offers more than 4 weeks of Scripture readings.
This book includes:
• Scripture readings for every day and notes for further reading in your Bible.
• Devotional essays for each reading
• Prompts for you to ponder as you listen to the Holy Spirit
• Beautiful, hand-drawn calligraphy throughout
• Ample space for journaling and note taking and some doodling, too.
Join us at Take Up & Read this autumn and lean in to hear Jesus share the mysteries of grace.