Morning Run
So often, we begin our days with all the best of intentions. We have our lists and we say our prayers and we commit the whole thing to the Lord, hoping that we will do His will. And then someone drops an egg on the floor, and we realize that whoever was up for a midnight snack drank the last of the milk, and the details of the day sweep us up and into the world.
It's not bad and it's not hopeless; it's just messy and busy. At midday, the Church invites us to pause, just for a few moments and to pray together for a holy re-setting. We invite God in to see the progress we've made and we ask Him to {gently} re-direct us where we've gone awry. We can come away from this midday prayer, refreshed and ready to take on the afternoon.
The prayer above is from today's Divine Office. Just click the Daytime Prayer tab.
Make Midday Prayer your new habit. You can pray along with Divine Office--it doesn't take very long, fewer than ten minutes today. Or you can just closet yourself in your room with your Bible and let the Lord speak into your noontime. There is respite in that. It's actually a lovely habit for children as well, a chance to pause and give thanks and re-commit the day to the Creator. Give it a go! I think you'll be glad you did.
I like to pray when I run in the morning. Often, I listen to Divine Office and pray Morning Prayer or the Office of Readings. Then, I just take up a conversation with God. I'd love to pray for you! Please leave your prayer requests below and we can pray for each other, no matter how we spend our morning prayer time. Meet me back here tomorrow and I'll share the ponderings from my morning run.