On Graduation and Humility
/The bracelet says "Sarah." He takes big-brothering seriously.
[Note: I have very few graduation pictures. It was cold and rainy the day of Paddy's graduation and I didn't want to take the big camera out, so his pictures are from the valediction celebrations the day before. I have no pictures of Christian's graduation because he didn't want to go. But I have words. So many words. A few of them are here;-)]
It is the season of diplomas and honors, recognition and resumes. As the flurry swirls around me, I find myself thinking increasingly of humility. When a young person sets out on the course of finding his life’s work, nothing will serve him better than humility. This time of year is a powerful reminder to all of us that God cannot choose us — cannot use us — until we come to the end of ourselves and find Him. Please read the rest here.