On this day, a new life begins



And when night comes, and you look back over the day and see how fragmentary everything has been, and how much you planned that has gone undone, and all the reasons you have to be embarrassed and ashamed: just take everything exactly as it is, put it in God’s hands and leave it with Him. Then you will be able to rest in Him -- really rest -- and start the next day as a new life. ~--St. Teresa Benedicta





Wow, Jesus, it’s like St. Teresa Benedicta was inside my head. How many undone things rouse shame and regret! I am grateful for the chance to lay at your feet the time wasted in front of the computer, the words spoken hastily in anger, the words that should have been spoken that I didn’t bring myself to speak, the promises broken, the tears shed. There they are for you to take. I begin this new day from a place of rest in you. I trust with my whole heart that-- at the beginning of this new life that starts today—you will guide and protect and direct me, that I am forgiven and fortified. I believe that I am yours and I am dearly loved.




The peace that comes with resting in God begins with repentance. It is a week before lent begins. With lent comes restoration. God will call us to Him and restore us to a place of rest. First, we need to repent. What are those things that rouse shame and regret at the end of the day? Make a real list. Write it all down. Then lay it all at the cross. Note: confession highly recommended.


There is a new day and a whole new life waiting for you.