Our Freedom
/I think that we don't often stop to consider how blessed we are in this country to be allowed the freedom to educate our children at home. Even in those states where we have to jump through way too many hoops, we are allowed to discern what is best for our children. I received an email recently from a friend who is temporarily living in Germany. She was asking us for prayers. In part, she wrote:
If you have a few minutes, I wanted to ask for your prayers over a serious situation in the city of Hamburg. A German family here has been trying to homeschool their six children. The authorities have now arrested the father and an application is in to take custody of the children which would apply in all the EU countries. From what I understand they are strong Christians and have been trying to fight the German laws in order to homeschool their children for several years. The father even attended the university here and got a teaching degree in order to try to make it work. Here is a news account.
It was difficult for us to read because it shows how serious the problems are here in Germany, especially with the mindset of the authorities.
So, if you could say some prayers that would be great. We feel so sorry for parents who want so much to not have to send their children into the German school system here but have no choice.
And add a prayer of gratitude for the many freedoms we have...