St. Therese?

I started a rose novena to St. Therese nine days before my birthday.  I'm afraid I wasn't terrribly good at remembering. It was a rather scattershot novena. So, yesterday, in the midst of some things really unravelling and a monster headache, this made me cry:


Since we're pretty tight (I sent out over a hundred novena prayer cards with the birth announcement telling the world about Karoline Rose), maybe St. Therese counted some of the million other times I've said this prayer towards the ones I forgot ;-) I wrote to Rebecca and wondered aloud if it were indeed a shower of roses (when you rarely get flowers--two roses in a rose teacup is a shower, ladies). She told me that she'd picked out daisies but went back at the last moment and ordered this instead.  Hmmm...

Then, after nine o'clock, when the day was nearly over, my husband-who-rarely-does-gifts-and-never-does-flowers-and-had-a-bad-day-himself came waltzing in with dinner and a bouquet of long stemmed roses! (Probably only my mother will appreciate how extraordinary this is.)

Yep.  There's a miracle in the works, even though all the news of the day distinctly indicated otherwise. I've got faith it's going to be okay and so does the child for whom I've been especially praying.