Beside my Bed
/Jennifer asked what's on our nightstands. My "nightstand" is clear across the room, serving as a dresser for my baby. Next to my bed is a co-sleeper. At the foot of the co-sleeper is the table I think would interest Jennifer. There is a humidifier I'm using very little this winter. Our thermostats have been pushed all the way down and I'm very, very slow to ever turn them up. As a result
we're freezing the heat rarely kicks on and the air doesn't require humidifying.I'm sure this is much healthier:-). The pretty book was a Christmas gift to my husband. It's a history of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Karoline was wearing the pink boots as she fell asleep. They were a gift from her godmother and she never lets us remove them, so we have to wait until she's sleeping (though maybe she actually needs them what with the freezing buns and all;-). The St. Therese candle smells amazing and fills the room with sweetness. Next to the candle is my medal necklace and a rosary bracelet. Karoline's current favorite trilogy is the boxed Eric Carle Very Little Library. Now for the basket:
Radical Hospitality
Dear Newlyweds
For the Love of Literature
Listen My Son
Real Food
It's All Too Much
January Magnificat
Night Prayer
Alrighty then, enough of that. I'm going to crawl under several layers of blankets, watch a basketball game directed by my beloved, and read one of those books. G'night!