My Heart's at Home Daybook~July 11
/I've really enjoyed The Simple Woman's Daybook. It's nice to focus at the beginning of the week and stretch my brain just a wee bit to think about certain things every week. I find myself referring to it in my head as I move throughout the week. So, when I saw that Kara, at everyone's favorite crunchy blog, has a daily daybook, the wheels started turning. What would a daily daybook look like? Too much minutia? Too boring? Too binding? Maybe, but it's my blog and it could be whatever I wanted it to be, because my blog is one of the few things in my life over which I retain an illusion of control. So, I thought I'd take a stab at a daily daybook of my very own. If I could set about at the beginning of every day with some of those intentions in front of me, perhaps I'd get dressed every day rise to the occasion. Or maybe not. But it could be fun to try.
for breakfast:
Blueberry scones using Gluten-Free Pantry mixes
farm fresh poached eggs
Grilled cheese
and for dinner:
Spiced Pineapple Rice from Vegetable Heaven
Firecracker Beans also from Vegetable Heaven
Mixed Green Salad with Roasted Beets and Goat Cheese (my new obsession)
Fruit Salad of Watermelon, Canteloupe, and Blueberries
God our Father, you made St. Benedict an outstanding guide to teach men how to live in your service. Grant that by preferring your love to everything else, we may walk in the way of your commandments. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. .
I am going to breathe deeply ...20 minutes on the stationary bike today, while listening to talks from the IHM conference.
One of my favorite things
...watching ten minutes of Sports Center in the morning with Nicholas so we can see yesterday's top ten plays and the morning's top headlines, all before Daddy, the sports producer, awakens.