My Heart's at Home Daybook~ October 20
/The ground is covered with a fine layer of frost! There is a decided chill in the air - I really do need to find a way to get those pansies in the ground. Or to get those pansies at all;-).
We are persevering in our newfound normal..
prayer. There is so little I can do physically to support my family and to ensure the health of my baby, but I can pray. And I do. Almost incessantly. But it never seems like enough. That's when I remember all the reminders of your prayers, the notes and phone calls, and I am so, so grateful.
I miss my kitchen. I really do. I'm going to start making menu plans for January, just so one day I can remember how much I missed my kitchen and wanted to cook .
St. John of Capistrano has a feast on the 23rd, which just so happens to be Mary Beth's birthday.
an ESPN hoodie and baggy pants.
a baby.
Towards a real education ...
we've instituted a new tradition. At the end of every week, Mike reviews the children's notebooks.The little kids are thrilled with this and love to show proof what they've done. The big kids are much less enthused. For teenaged boys, there is no substitute for Dad when it comes to accountability. I'm finding it keeps me accountable too. It also gives the boys just a little taste of competition as they compare themselves and their efforts to each other. Competition is not a bad thing in my house. As a matter of fact, my boys are highly motivated by it.
Lynn hung an autumn wreath in my bedroom. It's so pretty and so cheerful!
books for the Lewis and Clark list for Serendipity. Stay tuned..
for a healthy, happy, holy labor, delivery and recovery. Or at least a simple c-section:-).
I have relinquished all illusion of control.
One of my favorite things ...
The way we've got the computer set up in my bedroom allows us to turn the monitor away from the bed. Christian likes to come in and pull up a chair and sit there with the wireless keyboard. He does all his school work there. He shows up around ten every morning and stays with me all day. He's the last to leave my room at night, after watching ball games or debates or such. He is such good company and I'm looking on this time with him as an exquisite blessing. It amazes me how attentive a hyperactive teenaged boy can be when his hyperactive mother is forced to be still.
An MRI tomorrow and a doctor's appointment on Thursday, followed by a flower fairy birthday party.