The Morning After
/Blogging in real time is becoming a distant memory. I can't seem to take enough time from living life these days to properly document it. I am hoping that Mary Beth will download pictures today. Perhaps we can work on another photo essay or two.
Here's a funny little cyber-twist: I went to Christmas Eve Mass after all. I sat in the sacristy with Sarah, far from the germy festive crowd. So I missed seeing Nicholas receive his First Communion, even though I was there. We thought we were recording it at home. We weren't :-(. Mike says he can get me a tape. In the meantime, I've enjoyed your notes telling me you saw my children. Usually, I narrate my life for you; this time, you are filling in the details for me. I'm blessed by your emails.
It's the morning after and the creatures are stirring. Back to living the life; the documenting will have to wait until later.
Merry Christmas! It's a season and we plan to keep on celebrating.