Meditation: What Better Day to Begin than Today?
/Last time, we took a look at the difference a morning offering canmake in the effort to bring peace to our homes and our hearts. When we offer the day to God, His grace is sufficient for whatever the day holds. Our successes are gifts to Him and our “failures” are made valuable by Him.
I pray my morning offering the first time I nurse my infant in the morning. While a new baby can often cause chaos in a household (and mine sometimes seems to), this time, I’ve pegged my plan for interior peace to the indisputable items on the baby’s schedule: her feeding times. Since she’s still really little, there are many of these times and they lend themselves well to the spiritual practices crucial to interior peace. Read the rest here and
after you read there, come back here for some resources.
This is by no means a comprehensive list. Instead, it's a smattering of the resources from several different charisms.
Books that lend themselves to meditation:
Divine Intimacy
In Conversation with God
Imitation of Christ
Listen My Son
And here's one on the web that is just great. Use it only if you won't be tempted to cut your time short or be distracted by the rest of the world wide web at your fingertips: