My Heart's at Home Daybook

Outside My Window ...
it continues to rain and the world is turning brilliant shades of green. There is really nothing like "Virginia Green."
I am listening to...
Karoline chattering.
To Live the Liturgy...
we've changed our mantel letters to reflect our focus. This is May, month of Mary.
To Fit and Happy...
Indoor exercise is in the plans. Looks like rain most of the week.
I am thankful for...
steadfast husband
annointing of the sick
second chances
miracle babies
compassionate midwives
gifted surgeons
third chances


From the kitchen ...
Chicken soup for lunch. We've all got weird colds (but we don't have Swine Flu).
I am wearing ...
 standard rainy Monday wear: Jeans, a sweatshirt, cashmere socks. So, maybe not everyone wears cashmere socks, but I do, because they remind to pray for my friend who knit them. She will have surgery within the week.
I am creating ...
a new plan for keeping house. This one will work--ahem.
  On my iPod...
Taylor Swift
Are you tired of it yet? I'm not.

Towards a real education ...
We've dusted off the learning journal. It's time to focus and this worked for me last time. Of course, today was to be the first day and I didn't get to it. Hope springs eternal.

Bringing beauty to my home ...
This was to be the week of flower beds and vegetable gardens and herb gardens and rose gardens. The rain may delay that.
I am reading  ...
nothing at the moment. Must dig up a book tonight.

I am hoping and praying ...
that my friend Molly has a beautiful delivery on Wednesday when she welcomes her seventh child, a little girl. Please pray with me for a safe and blessed seventh c-section.
On Keeping Home ...
I am very serious about implementing the seven point plan, adapted to for the Foss Family.
One of my favorite things ...
Peanut Butter M & Ms. Not to be confused with Peanut M & Ms, which I don't like.

Patrick gave me these to celebrate living long enough to see them invented.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:
Four days of concentrated study in the learning room. Christian celebrates his birthday Wednesday. Nature study on Friday.  We'll have double soccer this weekend due to rainouts. I'm hoping to have some very good company at Stephen's game on Saturday.


Picture thoughts
My friend Linda organized my children to celebrate "Diagnosis Day." She and Mary Beth conspired to make it a celebration day this year. It's always been a pretty personal day for me. And usually I end up  Googling things like recurrence statistics and mortality statistics (I didn't this year). But my kids made me cards and a paper chain with my blessings listed inside each rung.Paddy came through with candy.  Some faithful friends sent lovely notes and Linda sent tulips. I feel like I've already celebrated Mother's Day.
Be sure to visit Peggy for links to more daybooks.