Daybook~After the Little Vacation
/it's a warm summer evening and children are running all around the yard.
we began the week with our St. Anne's tea. Today was also the first day of Vacation Bible School which is all about the Mass. We'll be immersed in liturgy this week.
To Fit and Happy...
I. must. start. walking. in. the. morning. Period.
my friend who has generously loaned us her beach house for three days last week. We are so grateful to have had somewhere to go for a little getaway.
baby toes touch sand the first time
I am pondering this quote...
Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver, and the other is gold.
My father sang this to me all the time when I was little and we moved every couple of years. My children haven't experienced transient friends too much in their lives. We're about to get hit bigtime with it this week.
I'm on a kick where everything I make has ribbons of fresh basil in it
Capris, t-shirt, St. Anne medal, twisted-up hair, diamond stud earrings, lipgloss, bare feet.
a present for my new godson.
On my iPod...
The Good Stuff.
Mike saw Kenny Chesney in concert in Utah last week. He didn't even know one single song Kenny Chesney sings. He went for "work."
Is that even fair?
Towards a real education ...
We've got some good things going for young ladies at Serendipity. I'll give this project a post of its own tomorrow, but let's just say we have some happy girls going into this year..
I am thinking...
how hard this summer has been so far. Bad news has crashed over us again and again like relentless waves. It was good to go to the seashore and let it roll out with the tide.
Lots of basil.
Around the House
I'm really re-thinking some rooms. I might give up my "school room" and make it a bedroom again. I'm waiting a few weeks until Mike has another day or two off and we can really think it all through.
Sarah Anne this week...
At long last we have found something she will eat. Sarah Anne can both sign and swallow crackers. This is a big week for our little miracle. As I continue to celebrate the feast of St. Anne I am overwhelmed with feelings of gratitude to the grandmother of our Lord, who so graciously tended to my baby and me.
about six books at once:-)
for my precious aunt who has been diagnosed with cancer. We are watching and waiting through the very trying time of testing and decisions.
I thoroughly cleaned Patrick's room, top to bottom and inside out last week. It was a glorious feeling and now I am so on a roll...
One of my favorite things ...
baby toes in the sand, the smell of salt in the air, little girl curls set with sea spray, boardwalk fries, boys building sand castles, fairy houses made of seashells
A bunny visited this fairy house shortly after we took this picture. Do you think he told the fairies about their new digs?
My heart leaped a bit at this prompt. This is our very last Gracie week. I have known since the day she became a part of our lives that one day she would leave. I went into this with my eyes wide open and I knew this day would hurt. She's moving across the country and taking little pieces of our hearts with her. My children will struggle with this for some time, I'm afraid.
our friends behind us are moving the same day.
Some mourning and weeping in our little valley this week.