Daybook from the Coffee Shop

Outside My Window

Is the parking lot. I am grabbing a few minutes of time to myself at Starbucks. So how about that?

I am Listening to

Jazz and the expresso machine


I'm pondering

"If you have to choose between being right and being kind, always choose to be kind." Immaculee Illibigiza

 The more you think about this one, the more there is to think about.

I am Reading

some very sweet emails. I promise to write back, but it might be a few days:-)

From the Kitchen
transitioning the spring menu into summer...grilled maple-dijon glazed pork chops with creamed corn and asparagus were a real hit last week

I am Thinking

about silence and conversation. About boundaries and embraces. About activity and stillness.

I'm having a Kind Conversation about

sweet things to do to let your husband know how much he's loved.


I am Creating

a lifetime of memories with my children. As I approach the twentieth anniversary of being diagnosed with cancer, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the gift of just being here.

On my iPod

Books, not so much. I'm finding that my Kindle reading is not kind to my eyes. I really, really need to give in and go to the eye doctor. My eyes think I'm middle-aged.

Towards a Real Education

I'm finally looking towards next year. The plan is pretty simple and I'm detailing quite a bit in order to create a very big safety net. I think our lives might include some travel so I'm looking to make sure we're portable.

Towards Rhythm and Beauty

I'm working out some new bedtime routines. When I was on bedrest, Mary Beth fell into the habit of putting Katie and Karoline to sleep. The habit continued was Sarah Anne was tiny and then it just became a part of what we do. I'm reclaiming that time with my little girls. They need me. And I need them. And Mary Beth needs some time to herself at the end of the day.


To Live the Liturgy

This week, we are praying the Divine Mercy novena and lulling small children to sleep at night with the chaplet, sung over and over. Still:-)

I am Hoping and Praying

for someone who could be on the brink of things bigger than ever imagined. For grace and strength and wisdom to know His will.

In the Garden
The peonies have shot up. The roses are full of buds. And we had a bumper crop of dandelions (they have a post of their own, tomorrow).

Around the House

I am trying to think creatively as we anticipate Michael's homecoming for the summer. He's going to be interning at USAToday and he'll work in the office and also at home. We're running out of quiet pockets and he's going to need one.

On Keeping Home
Totally re-worked my iCalendars. I was inspired by a thread at Kind Conversation to take another look at Mother's Rule of Life and at my homemaking notebooks. I haven't really had time to sit and gut those notebooks and then make pretty pages, but I am working to being very intentional in everything I do.


One of My Favorite Things


Sarah Annie this week

Oh my goodness! This sweet baby has bloomed with the spring:-)! She still won't walk unless she's got a finger to hold onto, but she's talking up a storm. And if you hold her hand, she kicks a soccer ball, too. She loves, loves, loves chocolate and is having serious withdrawal from Easter candy. I am still in shock that a baby of mine even knows what chocolate is. Some things they say about the baby in big families are true.

A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week

There is a whole lot of soccer in the plan book this week. That means I will be in the car a lot. We're also going to head back to Bull Run (sans bluebells) for springtime nature study. There are some tadpoles that need chronicling, among other things.

And I'm going to sleep. I'm planning naps and early bedtimes. And I'm sticking to the plan.

Picture thoughts:

Karoline loves to twirl. This is her very favorite dress and we have to hide it sometimes just to keep her from wearing it every day.
