Our First Week on Kind Conversation

We've just enjoyed our first full week of Kind Conversation:-)!Nearly 800 members have moved in and "decorated" their pages. "Status Updates" are full of cheerful quotes, reminders from the Hours, and happy updates on daily doings.

Here's a little look at what we've been up to in other places on the network:

On the Encouraging Words message board

  • Fourteen discussions about Real Learning--everything from plans for next year to taking learning on the road
  • a conversation about homemaking notebooks
  • a very useful look at shoes for nature hikes
  • thoughts on which devotions bear fruit in our families, depending on the stage of our family's life
  • a thoughtful reflection about what it means to be an Easter People
  • and many, many more discussions

Kind-hearted women are discovering each other and finding a niche in the Groups. Among them,

  • Kate Wicker has women thinking about what it means to be made in God's image and how to better love the skin you're in
  • Over one hundred ladies have jumped into a book study of Simplicity Parenting
  • There are 16 different local diocesan groups and more forming every day so that women can meet and then plan some face-to-face events
  • We're talking about growing old gracefully and parenting adult children
  • Or, we're talking about mothering little ones and attachment parenting (or we're talking about growing old and mothering little ones;-)

On the blogging pages

Some ladies who have never blogged before have set up their own blogs and some veterans have shown them the way.

All in all, we're learning what the technology can do for us, getting to know each other, and asking what we can do for one another.

 Come join us for some Kind Conversation!

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