Five Minute Friday: On Waiting
/ I'm joining the Gypsy Mama for Five Minute Friday today. I love a creative challenge and I never have time for much more than five minutes on Fridays. Lisa-Jo comes up with the prompt and then, I just need to let my fingers walk through five minutes of random thoughts.
On Waiting:
I know Lisa-Jo's waiting so well. Of my nine babies, seven were late. One was born on his due date (and to this day, is the most punctual child on the planet). And then, sweet Sarah, born too early, still had her own brand of waiting. So, waiting for babies I know.
My baby waiting days appear to be over. Sarah is two and a half and I think she's our very last baby. I see her out of the corner of my eye and lately I'm surprised by how much she looks like a little girl, how the baby is fading into fond memory. I don't wish it away. I wouldn't trade this little girl for all the world. But I do sort of keep looking for the baby that I usually introduce to the two-year-old. No baby. Not starting over and falling in love again with someone new.
And now, breath held, I begin a different waiting. I'm waiting to see what He has in store for the next stage of my life. I'm waiting expectantly. But it's a different expectant. I don't really have a vision for this time. I wish I did. I'd always imagined babies in arms, little ones at my knee. And I really relished every minute of life with wee ones. I never stopped to imagine everyone big. Getting bigger. With no one little. So, I wait. I wonder. And I remind myself to trust. Because so far, what He gives me has vastly exceeded my expectations. He's taught me well to wait with joyful hope. To know that life comes. And it is good. Very good.