I Feel The Most Loved: Five Minute Friday
/ I'm joining the Gypsy Mama for Five Minute Friday today. I love a creative challenge and I never have time for much more than five minutes on Fridays. Lisa-Jo comes up with the prompt and then, I just need to give voice to five minutes of thoughts.
This week's prompt is I feel the most loved when
I have Mike's undivided attention and I give him mine. In a house this full, those rare golden moments when we can have a long talk and I know he's listening and thinking and I know I'm listening and thinking and no one interrupts and there is nothing electronic between us, I am reminded of all those late night converesations when we fell in love and I'm assured that we're only deeper and richer into that love. Undivided attention alone--that's the most loved.
A close second is when we are surrounded by a crazy bunch of children. When a toddler throws herself into his arms or mine while a four-year-old lisps her latest grand story and someone needs her knitting unknotted and five or so boys are all commenting on some sports call at once-- And I catch his eye above it all and we know that this is ours. All this love, living, breathing, growing into something so big and beautiful it makes my heart nearly burst.
And then, at night, when it is quiet and they have all settled to sleep, and I am in the middle between big, strong man and sweet-smelling little one and she breathes angels on my face, I fall asleep knowing how much God loves me.
The most.