Consider the birds of the air...
Look at the birds in the sky; they do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them.
Are not you more important than they?
Matthew 6: 26
Good Morning! Is today feeling all Mondayish? The to-do list is converging with don't-have list (you know, time, money, energy, patience, discipline...) and you're wondering how in the world to make sense of it all. Look at the birds. Tiny creatures out there in the great big world! Wee little brains and delicate, hollow bones, yet there they are on a bright 17-degree morning all dancing in concert with one another. They're full of energy and well organized and seemingly ready to take on the day. It's all about their choreographer.
None of it under their own power or ability.
He does it. The Lord is the wind beneath their wings and they are utterly dependent upon His good providence.
Are you not more important than they?