needle & thREAD




I actually have more drapes to show you, but I think I'll wait until after Christmas, when the decorations have been boxed and returned to their shelves. For now, I'm pretty tickled to tell you about an old project, now finished. Last year, in late November, Deborah at Whipstitch offered me an opportunity to take her online quilting class. I knew how busy this time of year is and I knew it was carzy to commit to a class, but I also knew the phenomenal teacher Deborah has been to me. I jumped at the chance.

I worked hard to keep up and I completed all the squares. Deborah encouraged me to back and bind and finish, lest my quilt forever decorate the shelf in my sewing room. It taunted me from that shelf all year. Then, in a wonderful moment of serendipitous happy, my very first sewing teacher, my friend, Cari, swept it into her competent hands. A week later, she brought it back, quilted and bound.

I love this quilt. Love it. I love how happy it looks. I love how much I fussed over every single piece of fabric sewn into it. I love how when I ask for help, the love of friends magnifies anything I can do alone. 

So that's the sewing for the week. We're actually talking about my recent reading in yesterday's post. Lots of people leaving me more reading to do. And I'm dreaming CSAs (at least I did last night).

{I have real pictures on my real camera. Alas, I cannot find the cord. So, more Instagram. My New Year's resolution is to become a real photographer. More on that next week, I think. For now, thanks for your patience with iPhone pictures.}

So what's happening out there in needle and thread world? Are you working on Christmas presents? Christmas decorations? Winter jammies? Do tell.  

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